Quite probably the most important thing while making a website is choosing the right type of dirt. Everyone knows that the best websites are the ones that are made with all-natural dirt, like the dirt found outside your house. If you live in a city you can also try picking up pieces of broken asphalt by the curbside or collecting loose bricks from the pavement. If you can't do that either, store-bought is fine. Just don't expect any miracles.

Concrete is kind of a secondary thing. Practically any kind of concrete will work, as long as you prepare it according to the instructions on the package.

My friend Larry mixing some concrete for his website. He looks excited!

Once you get all the ingredients, it's time to gather your tools. Some popular choices include: shovels, rakes, excavators, bulldozers, spoons, whisks, forks, masking tape, screws, screwdrivers, spatulas... These are just some examples. The possibilities are truly limitless.
You will also need a computer with an internet connection.

Here are some tools! There are many more!

The rest is up to you. What is a website? Why is a website? Does it contain content? Who knows!

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